Friday, October 18, 2024
HomeEconomyMoyamba to Get Electricity

Moyamba to Get Electricity

The Minister of Energy, Alhaji Kanja Sesay, together with the Minister of Finance, JJ Saffa, has officially signed the Moyamba Township Electrification contract document with Shivary Company.

The ceremony took place at the Moyamba District council hall. Hon. Alhaji Kanja Sesay expressed his delight to have the Minister of Finance at the ceremony, “I am pleased to announce that Moyamba District plays host to the highest number of mini-grids of the rural electrification project” he said.

 He added that village-like Bauya, Senehun, Shenge, Sembehun, Gbanbatoke, and Bradford have all benefitted from the project. Also, Njala, which is a strategic educational town in the district, is on course to benefit from a massive electrification project.

According to the minister, President Bio is committed to fulfilling his campaign and ‘thank you Tour’ promises, noting that his visit to the district for the purpose for which they were gathered was indicative of such commitment. This project will put in place the basic infrastructure for electricity supply in the township and the duration is expected to last for 18-months. “having electricity is a right as citizens” the Minister of Energy emphasized. He assured the people of Moyamba that by the end of next year (2021), Moyamba will enjoy full electricity supply.

The contract is awarded to an Indian company having met the rigorous procedural competitiveness bidding standards the Ministry of Finance and Energy, with the NPPA and Law officers’ department superintended. He assured quality work and promised that the government is exploring other vast alternative sources of the energy which the district would benefit from.

“Everything is now in place to disburse the initial 30% to contractors,” Finance Minister said. JJ Saffa added that the Project is an inclusive one and once every necessary formality is concluded, the project will commence as soon as possible. Inj. James noted that the project was not rehabilitation, but an entirely new one that would install brand new equipment or accessories. He added that about 550 households would be connected to the grid for the first phrase.



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